2024 | Professional

French Design Awards Gold Winner

Art and Life Joint Exhibition

Entrant Company

Jus Tian


Interior Design - Exhibits, Pavilions & Exhibitions

Client's Name

Guangzhou Design Week

Country / Region


It focuses on the works exhibition of teachers and students of the School of Fine Arts and Design of Wenhua College of Yunnan Arts University and the cultural exhibition of the college. Considering that 2022 just marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the college, it has launched a themed exhibition called "Super phase 20th", aiming to let everyone can appreciate the style of the college and the charm of teachers and students' works through the exhibition hall, a kaleidoscope reflecting the school culture.
"Super Phase" presented in the Art and Life Joint Exhibition originally refers to the relative position of space and time of celestial bodies in the universe; due to the influence of the mutual attraction of celestial bodies, the positions of different time, space, and stars will continuously evolve and change. This is similar to the development of Wenhua College of Yunnan Arts University, constantly undergoing new changes and replacing, and constantly circulating and rising. Based on the theme of Super Phase, we used arcs and circles as the basic elements of spatial deconstruction to create the exhibition hall space following the trajectory of galaxies: the entire exhibition hall space was created using three simple and basic geometric shapes, with two intersecting cylinders and a one in four circular arc surface, forming the basic body of the entire exhibition hall. We hoped that visitors could experience the style of the college through the exhibition hall like looking at a kaleidoscope, so we deigned a circular tubular geometry at the entrance to stimulate visitors' curiosity. Art and Life Joint Exhibition not only displays professional works from the majors of Environmental Design, Visual Communication, and Animation from Wenhua College of Yunnan Arts University, but also actively links with contemporary trendy art. The impressive work is the figurine "Guagua" created by Teacher Haibo Tang, which was inspired from an autistic child named Guagua. The creator refined and re-created Guagua's image to form the original image of this figurine, calling for more attention and concern for the health and development of children with autism.


Chief Designer
Jus Tian
A Qi
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