2024 | Student

French Design Awards Gold Winner

Liquor for 600th Anniversary of Temple of Heaven

Entrant Company

Li Jiuzhou Studio


Packaging Design - Wine, Beer & Liquor

Client's Name

Temple of heaven

Country / Region


The Temple of Heaven is the world's largest building complex for worship of heaven., a Treasure of World Architecture History。Worship heaven at the temple of heaven, pray for a good harvest in the coming year and worship the gods.

2020 is the 600th anniversary of the completion of the Temple of Heaven. For this major festival, a set of four bottles of commemorative liquor was designed.

Why are they divided into four sections?Because, the temple of heaven is the place where the power of light shines strongest. Is the " heaven diagram " in the book of changes. " heaven diagram " contains four virtues: kindness, propriety, loyal and integrity.

Also hope" Every corner of the world,Stability and Richness,Year after year,Forever peace "

Its colors are transparent crystal, red, silver and gold。

The bottle and the outer square cap are made of glass。

The bottom of the bottle is inlaid with a glass Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, and the outside is a relief pattern of auspicious clouds to symbolize the supremacy of the gods.

The inner cylindrical cap is made of metal。"Temple of heaven" is written on the metal cap with ancient Chinese characters。

The outer package is cylindrical, and the bottle containing wine is square。Once upon a time, people thought that "the sky is round and the earth is square"。

The square metal clasp on the cylindrical outer package is the emperor's seal. It says "The emperor's seal, used to sacrifice all gods"。


Art Director
Li Jiuzhou
Chen Yao
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