2024 | Professional

French Design Awards Gold Winner


Entrant Company

Knovo Studio


Conceptual Design - Gaming, AR & VR

Client's Name

Country / Region

United States

Knovo is an AR+VR educational assistance system designed for students in the Metaverse. It features an integrated reward system and aims to support school education. By utilizing artificial intelligence, Knovo offers personalized assignments aligned with students' school curriculum and individual career interests. It strives to enhance knowledge retention, practical application, and holistic learning by facilitating gamified interaction.

The main users of the solution would typically be students in the education sector, specifically those who are seeking to enhance their learning experience through augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies. Secondary users may include educators and administrators involved in implementing the solution. Some challenges or problems that users may face include difficulty in retaining knowledge, limited opportunities for practical application of learned concepts, and a lack of engagement and motivation in the learning process. The wider context of the use case would involve the integration of AR and VR technologies into the education system, as well as the evolving landscape of technology-driven learning environments.

The purpose of the solution is to address the challenges mentioned above and create an immersive and engaging learning experience for students. It was designed to leverage AR and VR technologies to facilitate knowledge retention, practical application of learned concepts, and exploration of diverse subjects and potential career paths. By incorporating gamified interactions and personalized assignments, Knovo empowers users to actively engage in the learning process and meet their educational goals.


Ziyi Zhou
Tianhao He
Yizhen Guo
Ruiying Xu
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