2024 | Professional

French Design Awards Silver Winner

Peaceful lakeside

Entrant Company

Zhl-shl Interior Design


Interior Design - Residential

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In renovating an old collective housing into a contemporary dwelling, we encountered challenges that went beyond merely updating outdated technical systems like electrical and gas infrastructures. The crux of our endeavor was to strike a harmonious balance between retaining the architectural essence and fostering a cozy living atmosphere. "Home" conveys finding one's own peaceful space, where a "house" serves not just as a physical shelter but also as a refuge for the soul. The design's success hinges on enhancing the seamless interaction between the space and its occupants, accomplished by incorporating efficient storage solutions, adopting a clean visual aesthetic, implementing functional layouts, and ensuring smooth flow throughout the space, thereby challenging the limitations of traditional layouts. Opting for materials with natural textures and prioritizing views that connect to the outdoors, we steered clear of overt decoration. Our goal was to present a design philosophy that celebrates simplicity and authenticity, offering not just visual and tactile comfort but also a sense of peace and well-being, deeply reflecting the designer’s intention and attention to detail.


Zhl-shl Interior Design
liwei jheng
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