2024 | Professional

French Design Awards Silver Winner

Savoring Memories: Food Station with a Taste of History

Entrant Company

National Yunlin University of Science and Technology


Architectural Design - Rebirth Project

Client's Name

Yunlin County Shuilin Township Jianshanjiao Community Development Association

Country / Region


This visionary project is dedicated to revitalizing the pond area by breathing new life into its ancient, unused houses. Through a combination of carbon reduction, green initiatives, and experiential economy, the project aims to create a lively activity space that captures the unique essence of the area and caters to individuals of all ages. The primary goal is to improve the quality of life for local residents, encourage movement within the area, and reinvigorate the old community, ultimately achieving the ambitious vision of Regional Revitalization. In addition to physically rejuvenating old houses, the project actively promotes community building. This not only fosters a stronger sense of belonging and involvement among residents, but also preserves the authenticity of local culture, attracting the interest of international visitors and enhancing the community's appeal as a tourism destination.

During the 1950s and 1960s, Taiwan underwent a remarkable shift from an agricultural society to one driven by industry and commerce. This transformation resulted in the out-migration of numerous rural settlements, leading to the gradual abandonment of community houses. These once vibrant traditional courtyard houses have now fallen into disuse and have become unfortunate sources of garbage in the community. This has had a significant impact on the residents' overall quality of life. In response to this, a comprehensive plan has been devised to revitalize these unused old houses and repurpose them into public spaces within the community. As part of the plan, barrier-free facilities and greenery will be incorporated, and efforts will be made to preserve the traditional triplexes along with their farming tools and utensils. The ultimate goal of this initiative is to offer residents and visitors a glimpse into the rich historical memories and cultural heritage of the area.

The team’s first endeavor involved revitalizing an old house into a vibrant public space for the community. This newly transformed area serves as a hub for residents to come together on weekdays and also as a delightful venue for hosting gatherings during major festivals.


Yunlin County Government
Yunlin County Shuilin Township Jianshanjiao Community Development Association
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